Saturday, July 25, 2009


I feel like I should blog this, like this is not just one of those bad relationships I'm pushing myself into for a few fleeting moments of happiness. I met Anthony on Thursday the 23 of July. He was coming here to hang out with my roommate. I had been home for most of the day because my boss told me to answer the phone from home. So, I did, without doing my hair or dressing like someone who has been out of bed for a week. He come in, guitar in hand, looking very hippy/boheme in jean shorts, an unbuttoned short sleeved white over shirt with blue flowers and a beret. Well, I guess it's not a beret but I do not know the word for what it really is. Anyway, he ws looking very attractive and very much out of my league. He seemed older but still radiated youth. Within ten minutes of meeting him, I was awe struck and asked him to never leave. Of course at that time I was meaning because he would sing and play guitar. I did not know that I would form so much adoration for this person.

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