Friday, May 8, 2009


I really thought I was a carboholic. I've throughly enjoyed my carby foods all of my life more than any other foods. But, I've chosen to take the plunge and my last ditch effort, and attempt to minimize my intake of carbs for the sake of my weight. I can't believe how big I am somedays. It kills me how people that hang out with me will say all these mean things about people half my size and not even consider that I'm twice their size. I'm like them with elephantitus of the everything. I've tried many things to make myself fall out of the obese category and they have all failed. I've exercised for 4 hours a day 6 days a week and I still did not drop the weight....any weight. So, I'm dropping my bad carb intake.

I'm not very happy with it. The first day was easy. My body wanted all that protein. The second day was ok until I realized I had consumed three times the amount of allotted good carbs in the wheat thins I was eatting. I really felt starved even though my belly was full. I still do two days later. I broke down and ate something carby last night but I made sure it wasn't one of my go-to carbs that I love. I had a pb and j on whole wheat. The pb and j portion was the bad part. It was not terribly bad but it was not a good carb. It tasted heavenly and I heavily craved more.

I might be a lot happier if I were to eat that at night and be good during the day. I don't remember where I read it but I think I found a place that said if you are eatting bad carbs, do it as your last meal of the day. I really hope that web site was right because it makes me feel so much better. I'll continue to stay away from foods that are fried and sugary sodas etc., but it sure does help me feel good to have those carbs at night.

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