Thursday, May 7, 2009

Decisions and Goals

Hi blogosphere! Or no one...whichever. (I do not think anyone reads this yet because I only gave the address out to one person and I'm pretty sure she doesn't read it either. Hi my lovely if you do.)

I'm not quite sure why I'm doing this, or any reason that it makes me greener/anything like that...but I'm in the process of moving my entire apartment into my bedroom. This of course, does not include the kitchen or bathroom. I am trying to do all my reading/exercising/movie watching etc from this one room. It will cut down on cooling and heating if I can only bother with one room's temperature and it will give me good practice for my time in my RV life. To be honest, I'm just following my instinct here. Those are good reasons to do it but my gut is telling me to do this so I think I'll listen. The room is very well lit by the smallish windows. The sunshine makes me happy so maybe that is why I feel drawn. I'm not sure nor do I really care.

I'm doing it, enough said. lol

First, I have to get the urine smell out of the room. No, folks, I haven't had accidents and I haven't tried to make it my bathroom too, it is that the previous tenants let their pet peepee on the carpet and my rental agency is shitty enough to let me deal with the problem myself. Each time I shampoo it (twice now) it gets better but I can still smell pee! I'll go over one more time with a pet odor-outter and then I'll give up on that idea. I don't like putting all those chemicals on my floor where I often play the ten second rule etc. BUT it's better than peepee. To me, it is anyway. Plus, that carpet is terrible anyway. It has holes cut in random places and stains everywhere. I just do not want to put the money into replacing it if I do not know if I will be living there very long.

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